Carmen Lemoine
Carmen Lemoine wants to live in a world where education is free to all, people aren’t afraid to be honest, and Unti Vineyards is her next-door neighbor.
Until that day arrives, however, she has dedicated herself to mastering the art of the flute. Dr. Lemoine is Assistant Professor of Flute at Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas. Additionally, she is Principal Flute of the Wichita Symphony Orchestra and Third Flute of the Santa Rosa Symphony in California. Carmen has also performed with the Louisville Orchestra, Memphis Symphony Orchestra, Louisiana Philharmonic, and the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra in New Zealand. Equally at home in small ensembles of contrasting styles, she was a member of Ensemble Mik Nawooj, a hip-hop/classical fusion group featured in The Wall Street Journal and is currently a member of the Lieurance Woodwind Quintet.
Carmen travels frequently to teach and to perform as a soloist. She has been the featured artist for the Montana Flute Association, the University of Nevada-Reno Flute Day and the University of Kansas Flute Day. Dr. Lemoine has also presented masterclasses at the Universities of North Texas, Memphis, Louisville, Akron, Oklahoma, and Washington. She has appeared as a presenter at the National Flute Association’s annual conventions, the Mid-South Flute Festival, and the Mid-Atlantic Flute Fair, and has adjudicated for the Texas Flute Festival, Oklahoma Flute Fair, and the National Flute Association.
Dr. Lemoine earned degrees in flute performance from the Eastman School of Music (B.M. and D.M.A.), where she studied with celebrated artist and teacher Bonita Boyd, and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music (M.M.), studying with San Francisco Symphony principal flute Timothy Day. She may also have been a math major in a previous life but don’t ask her to figure out the tip at a restaurant.
Private Teaching Contact Information:
Instruments: Flute; Piccolo; Music Theory; Ear Training
Child: High School Only
Adult: Intermediate & Advanced
Photo by Susan and Neil Silverman Photography